Alexander Stein

PhD Candidate at the Barts Cancer Insititute 

Marie-Curie Fellow with EvoGamesPlus

I am a PhD candidate based in London. I study stochastic processes and game theory to better understand intra-tumour heterogeneity and resistance evolution in cancers. More broadly, I like to use mathematics to understand nature. Before my PhD, I did my BSc and MSc in Physics at ETH Zurich.


Population genetics of cancer

Cancers are driven by genetic and non-genetic mechanisms. However, the majority of genetic mutations have no effect on the cancer cell fitness. As the cancer progresses, those neutral mutations are accumulated and lead to distinct patterns that can be observed in sequencing data. We predict mutational patterns using mathematical models and compare those to sequencing data to make inferences on the evolutionary dynamics of cancer.

Evolutionary game theory applied to cancer

Evolutionary game theory (EGT) provides a framework to study the interactions between multiple entities. As such, EGT is used to study interactions of cancer cells with other cancer cells, the tumor-microenvironment or treatment. The latter has led to development of Stackelberg evolutionary game (SEG) theory. In SEG theory, a rational leader (the clinician) optimizes an objective (quality of life of the patient) under consideration of the eco-evolutionary dynamics of the followers (the cancer cell population). Current efforts go into fitting the model to data and test the feasibility of evolutionary therapies, e.g. adaptive therapy.

Evolution of spatially expanding populations

Evolutionary theory in constant well-mixed populations is well-understood. However, much less is known about expanding or spatially structured populations. Recent studies show that both population growth and spatial structure have profound influence on evolution. We investigate the emergence and the spread of mutations in time and space using mathematical models with the ultimate goal of gaining new biological insights.

 First-authored publications

Alexander Stein, Ramanarayanan Kizhuttil, Maciej Bak, Robert Noble

bioRxiv, 2023


Alexander Stein, Monica Salvioli, Hasti Garjani, Johan Dubbeldam, Yannick Viossat, Joel Brown, Kateřina Staňková

Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 2023


Selected presentations


Books that I like



Twitter: alexstein_

Google scholar: Alexander Stein